As part of the ‘Guidelines for Public Participation in the Regulation of Urban Water Services‘, a set of tools has also been developed.
‘Tools Public Participation in the Regulation of Urban Water Services’ outlines tools that can be used as a simulation excercise which is designed to help practioners with the very first steps of preparing public participation for decision-making using the example of tariff setting. This excercise can be used both as a self-reflection excercise as well as in a group workshop setting.
Public participation is recognised by Goal 6 of the Sustainable Development Goals as an important means of implementation to ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.
IWA recognises the importance of defining and examining the meaning of public participation as a concept and as such this project on ‘Public Participation in the Regulation of Urban Water Services‘ looked into the use of public participation within the decision making process of setting tariffs and prices for the provision of water services.